Final Rinse 100

Order Product

Final Rinse 100 is a compound mixture of fluorinated resins, synthetic esther oils and anti-static agents designed specially for all kinds of suede and leather garments that are processed using the wet cleaning method. It produces very relaxed garments after they are washed, preventing wrinkling on the garment. It makes the garment slightly water proof. Final Rinse 100 is a high performance product that will not cause any harm to the lining as in stains or discoloration. It introduces good feel and nap to the suede as well as helping to prevent shrinkage of the garments.

     Appearance: Light Tan Liquid
     Active Substances: 73%
     pH: 6.0 +/- .05

Examples of Use
Use depends on weight of the garment as well as type of pump used to inject inside the washing machine. Please contact our technician for the correct usage for you.